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We believe true development and growth lies in greater curiosity, dynamism and imagination and that the future of energy-intensive services must be green. For this reason, we aim to run as sustainably as possible wherever we operate.

Our approach to sustainability


Success can only be persistent when committing to and taking part in the process of sustainable development. The ultimate goal is to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

On the way to achieving this goal, ESG helps us to track our progress. We integrate ESG criteria into our business management and operations the best way possible. This is a process and will evolve over time.







As part of ESG compliance, Northern Data Group has a particular level of responsibility in the area of environmental protection due to its high electricity requirements. Northern Data Group aims to make its energy consumption, which is also a significant operational cost factor, as efficient and environmentally friendly as possible. At the end of 2023, Northern Data Group operated 14 data centers in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, the USA and Canada, whose design and operating processes are aimed at achieving maximum energy efficiency. The data centers include contracted sites. The monitoring and recording of energy consumption and other relevant environmental parameters can currently only be fully documented for the site in Sweden but are planned for all data center sites in the future.

Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) defines the metric that describes how efficiently data centers use electricity to generate computing power. PUE is the ratio of the total amount of energy used by a data center facility to the energy delivered to computing equipment. An ideal PUE is 1.0. Anything that isn’t considered a computing device in a data center (e.g. lighting, cooling, etc.) falls into the category of facility energy consumption. Northern Data Group calculates data center PUE by dividing the amount of energy fed into the data center by the amount of energy used to operate the IT infrastructure in the data center. The PUE values for two data centers were determined in the reporting year 2023. A PUE value of 1.09 was determined for the data center in Sweden. According to Deutsche Rechenzentren GmbH, values of 1.5 are considered efficient and less than 1.2 are considered very efficient. Lefdal Mine, one of Northern Data Group's contracted third-party data centers, guarantees a PUE of 1.15. Northern Data Group is currently preparing the introduction of suitable measurement procedures in all data centers in order to determine the PUE value globally in a standardized procedure, as in Sweden.

Total energy consumption is defined as the sum of all electrical energy consumed in Northern Data Group’s data center operations, including contracted third-party data centers. The data for the energy consumption is provided by the contracted energy suppliers according to the data center location.  


Based on this information, total energy consumption for 2023 was 787 GWh (prior year: 963 GWh). In essence, the decrease in total energy consumption compared to the previous year can be attributed to the termination of Ethereum mining in September 2022.

Northern Data Group reports on the share of renewable, nuclear and fossil energy. The share of nuclear and renewable energy was determined by multiplying the data taken from the fuel mix by the amount of energy used in the data centers. In 2023, 41 percent (322 GWh) of the energy consumption was drawn from renewable energies and 22 percent (173 GWh) from nuclear energies. 250 GWh (32 percent) were drawn from fossil fuel sources. The total energy mix of Northern Data Group’s data centers has shifted slightly towards fossil fuels in 2023 compared to 2023. This is primarily due to the fact that the energy mix of some electricity grids, that some of the existing data centers are connected to, have shifted into the direction of fossil energies.

In 2021, Northern Data Group purchased Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) with a capital expenditure of EUR 570 thousand. In 2022 and 2023, no additional RECs were purchased as Northern Data Group was reviewing its REC strategy.

Data center operations

In 2023, no carbon footprint was reported, as Northern Data Group was reviewing its measurement operations on a global level.

Business travel

Northern Data Group is certified to offset 100 percent of the CO2 from most of its business travel. The majority of business travel at Northern Data Group is booked through GreenPerk, TravelPerk’s carbon-neutral business travel program. GreenPerk partners with carbon calculation and offsetting providers, so that Northern Data Group compensates for its CO2 emissions directly through the platform. Offsetting is done on a per-trip basis, helping to reduce the carbon footprint of the Company’s business travel. With this contribution, Northern Data Group supports projects to combat deforestation in Indonesia, to aid reforestation in Cambodia and to empower the use of hydropower in Turkey. All projects are VERRA / GOLD-awarded and audited.

Electronic waste is considered as all kinds of discarded electronic devices and assets nearing or that have reached the end of their lifecycle. In 2023, Northern Data Group managed its electronic waste by deciding whether it can be remarketed, refurbished, recycled, or must be dis- posed via Northern Data Group’s established hardware lifecycle program. The Group strives to give end of first lifecycle assets a second life where possible, supporting the environment and contributing to the circular economy. No assets were discarded in 2023, hence no waste was measured. Northern Data Group handles the recycling and disposal of electrical waste in accordance with local and European laws and guidelines.

Concept from Northern Data Group NOR AS

The Norwegian Transparency Act


Statement from Northern Data Group NOR AS

The Norwegian Transparency Act


Supplier Code of Conduct


Human Rights Policy


Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy
